Public Schools Week 2022


OKLAHOMA CITY -- For the week of February 21 – 25, 2022, Oklahoma public school supporters will join a nationwide effort to celebrate public schools through Public Schools Week. Parents, teachers, school staff, and districts will participate in daily activities to highlight the importance of public schools with the goal of elevating the importance of public education and catching the attention of state lawmakers.

The weeklong celebration hosted by Oklahoma Parent Legislative Committee (OKPLAC) begins with a Day at the Capitol where parents will host a 10:00 a.m. news conference in the 2nd floor rotunda and meet with legislators throughout the day. For the rest of the week, supporters will engage in daily actions including adding a new frame to Facebook profile pictures, mailing cards and letters to the Governor and Legislators, wearing red for education, and sharing personal stories of impact on social media. The goal is to flood social media and mailboxes with love for our public schools effectively illustrating the importance of and broad support for the opportunity to educate every child in our nation.

“The majority of parents in Oklahoma choose public schools. We value the opportunity to send our children to learn alongside our neighbors in a school where every child is welcome and accepted. We believe our public schools can truly meet the needs of every student when fully supported by our state leaders,” said Misty Bradley, public school parent and OKPLAC President.

OKPLAC is joined by Oklahoma Rural Schools Coalition, Oklahoma PTA, Pastors for Oklahoma Kids, Oklahoma Conference of Churches, Oklahoma Edvocates, Oklahoma Education Association, American Federation of Teachers Oklahoma, and Oklahoma Policy Institute in hosting the weeklong celebration.

Those wishing to participate in Public Schools Week need only download the Daily Action Calendar from our website and take one action each day! The calendar may be found at

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The Oklahoma Parent Legislative Action Committee (OKPLAC) is a statewide network of local education advocacy groups seeking non-partisan solutions to improve and protect public education. We engage parents in advocating for a strong, equitable public education system for ALL children.
