Our History
The PLAC movement began in Jenks Public Schools. As the effort grew in the Tulsa suburbs, Central Oklahoma PLAC formed with parents from across the Oklahoma City metro including Norman to the south and Edmond in the north. From there, PLACs sprouted across the state and found traction during and following the Teacher Walk Out of 2018. Currently, at least fifteen unique PLAC organizations are active representing over 200,000 Oklahoma public school students and their parents.
Our Relationships
Local PLACs work with their school boards, parents, teachers, and elected officials to generate a dialogue about how to improve and protect public schools. Candidate events, legislative days, calls, emails, and texts help us keep in touch with our elected representatives and create connection for them with their constituents. Social media, advocacy training, and meetings over lunch or coffee allow PLAC members to raise awareness of issues or legislative proposals impacting public schools.
Our Message
Working together as a coordinated team through the Oklahoma PLAC, our message becomes stronger. Though individual school districts may have unique needs, all PLACs advocate for a high-quality, fully-funded public education system that equitably serves ALL children in our state. Media partners help us reach a broader audience as we work toward our goal of excellence in public schools.
Our Work
We gather and disseminate research and information about issues and legislative proposals impacting public schools through our statewide network of local PLACs. We grow the movement by supporting additional local school districts and newly forming PLAC organizations.
Our Beliefs
We believe Oklahoma students deserve a public education system that is competitive regionally in teacher pay, teacher quality, per-pupil expenditures and class sizes in accordance with the Oklahoma Constitution's mandate of a state-funded system of public schools which are free and open to all students. We believe all schools receiving taxpayer funds should have the same levels of accountability and transparency.