Public Schools Week 2022

OKLAHOMA CITY -- For the week of February 21 – 25, 2022, Oklahoma public school supporters will join a nationwide effort to celebrate public schools through Public Schools Week. Parents, teachers, school staff, and districts will participate in daily activities to highlight the importance of public schools with the goal of elevating the importance of public education and catching the attention of state lawmakers.


OKPLAC Parent Survey Results Report

In alignment with the OKPLAC mission, as well as in support of Governor Stitt’s stated goal to make Oklahoma a Top 10 Education state, OKPLAC launched a parent survey to identify educational priorities of public school parents. Recent increases in education funding are a critical first step which must be sustained to be a Top 10 state. As Oklahoma continues to invest in education, OKPLAC believes it’s important to seek out and consider the input and priorities of parents of children in public schools.
