tax credits

Don't Be Fooled by Tax Credit Semantics

Don't Be Fooled by Tax Credit Semantics

Erin Gillogly Brewer — Deer Creek PLAC, OKPLAC Communications Chair

Like many of you, I have watched the progression of this session's bills attempting to increase the cap on tax credits offered to donors to Oklahoma's Equal Opportunity Scholarship Fund.

Wouldn't it be great if ALL schools got enough funding from the State to provide technology, STEM labs, Art and Music programs, new textbooks, smaller class sizes and all the things they needed to be their best for their students? Rather than give $30 million away, let's just put that into the common education funding formula.

It's Not That Complicated: A Tax Credit Primer

It's Not That Complicated: A Tax Credit Primer

Lisa Kramer — Bixby PLAC Co-Chair, OKPLAC Chair

Rather than reducing the State’s limited revenue by increasing generous tax credits with Senate Bill 407, Oklahoma must conserve its tax base and invest all available revenue in critical core services including public education. To reduce class sizes and improve teacher recruitment and retention, public schools need recurring public funding not grants dependent on donors.

Equitable Funding = Successful Students

Equitable Funding = Successful Students

Erin Gillogly Brewer — Public school parent, OKPLAC Communications Co-Chair

Private School Tuition Tax Credits are making the rounds again this legislative session. Senate Bill 407 (SB407), carried over from 2019, boils down to a simple choice: divert $30 million to corporations and individuals who contribute to school grants and private school tuition? Or collect taxes owed for equitable appropriation to public schools, mental health, law enforcement, the disabled, transportation and other state services?