For the Love of Teachers

Ask a Teacher: Ideas to Recruit & Retain Oklahoma Teachers

Ask a Teacher: Ideas to Recruit & Retain Oklahoma Teachers

OKPLAC & Betty Collins — Union Public Schools Teacher

As grassroots parent advocates, OKPLAC deeply values our public school teachers and all they bring to our kids every day.

We are also very worried about them and the teaching profession.

There is too much toxic rhetoric out there directed at our teachers, too much legislative interference with teaching, and too little pay and support for the important work they do.


To Improve Education, We Must Listen to Teachers & Students

To Improve Education, We Must Listen to Teachers & Students

Lorrie Bamford, Deer Creek School Board Member

As a sitting School Board Member for the Deer Creek Public School District, we had a patron recently yell at us from the podium during the public speaking portion of the business meeting, “Who in the hell do you think you are?” I am certain her question was rhetorical; nonetheless, I have often thought about my answer since that meeting.
